Ivan Melon Lewis
Ivan Melon Lewis
Ivan Melon Lewis
Ivan Melon Lewis
Ivan Melon Lewis
Ivan Melon Lewis

Creating a Melting Pot of World Culture Through Music

  © Kultone Records All Rights Reserved

Ivan Melon Lewis
Ivan Melon Lewis
Ivan Melon Lewis
Ivan Melon Lewis

Creating a Melting Pot of World Culture Through Music

  © Kultone Records All Rights Reserved

Japanese instrument Image

Photo: Eduardo Cabellero

KulTone Records’ vision comes from the idea that music is universal and that different cultures have their own flavor, just like food. For instance, Makoto Horiuchi, who originally founded KulTone ,is a third generation American Japanese. His music is a refection of the environment where he grew up, blending Jazz, R&B, rock, country, and Japanese traditional music. KulTone’s Ivan “Melon” Lewis’ music is a reflection of the Cuban culture in which he was raised. KulTone is a place where different cultures can come together, uplift people, and share their musical ideas.

Rather than the traditional label, KulTone strives to be a place where musicians can collaborate on music, productions, technology, and share marketing. If you have music or would like to collaborate, please contact us so we can create music for the future together. KulTone operates on in-kind collaborating where no money is exchanged. We only exchange our work equity. If we are working on a musical idea together, we can both reap the harvest by splitting 50/50, the publishing and copyrighting.

As far as marketing is concerned, you are welcome to post your music on KulTone without any fees as long as our A&R feels it fits within our vision. You would be responsible for any business related to the project/music i.e collecting publishing, and copyrights, etc.  We believe the more projects we have, the better, to enable us to create awareness of our individual projects. If projects that are accepted incur costs, the costs will be split equally 50/50. If you are looking for a place to publicize your music, without breaking the bank, to collaborate on projects, music, or marketing look no further.

Lets Kolaborate!!!

Visit our KulTone Contact page: https://www.kultonerecords.com/contact-us/

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